I always begin my youth hula classes with a few minutes of meditation. Two sisters attended this past Wednesday. We sat with masks on and relaxed in the backyard in comfortable chairs, listened for di sounds and looked at the sky. Basically we did nothing except notice what was going on. For instance, we saw a lone hawk soaring above the trees.
After meditation, one of my 11 year old hula students was in a pensive mood and asked, “Why do we have the virus now?”
“That’s a good, deep probing question,” I said. Searching for an answer I asked, “What are the conditions that allow the virus to thrive?”
After a short pause she said, “ Too many people?”
“Well,” I said, “there are close to 8 billion people on our planet. And the amount of wilderness left is less than 30% of what it was a hundred years ago. Wild spaces hold a lot of biodiversity which means many different kinds of animal and plant species can live together. Biodiversity is critical for the health and well-being of our planet.”
I paused again and then said, “Also air transportation has increased the ease with which people travel the world. This might also be a contributing condition.” And I added, “I think it also depends on the state of our immune systems.”
The rebounding of the virus is on everyone’s minds including these 11- and 12-year old girls. Onipa’a means immovable, firm, steadfast or determined. It was the motto of King Kamehameha V and Queen Lili’uokalani during their reign. It’s also the name of a song by Lil’uokalani probably written soon after August 20, 1864. That was when Kamehameha V proclaimed a new constitution that among other things, strengthened the power of the crown. This constitution wasn’t popular amongst the light-skinned folks who feared the new constitution would dilute their power.
Onipa'a / Stand Firm
by Lili’uokalani
Listen, friends
Of the singing school,
Let us strive together
So our work progresses.
Do not abandon
This good work.
Steadfast, stand firm,
[For] our constitution.
Let us all join together
With unanimous agreement,
Steadfast in righteousness,
Standing firm with serenity.
The message of ‘Onipa’a again resounds during this time of Covid. We must stand firm in our resolution to keep others safe by using masks and social distancing. We may have to sacrifice and not get together in the traditional ways of holidays and family gatherings, but we’re a creative lot, and I’m sure we’ll figure out how to stay connected even though we’re apart.
It’s a critical time to vote if you haven’t already! It’s encouraging to see that more than half of voting Americans have already voted but we need so many more. Please encourage all your friends and family to vote in this most important election!
Onipa’a Kakou/ Stand Firm Everyone!!!
June Kaililani Ryushin Tanoue
Kumu Hula, Sensei